Monday, September 24, 2018

Real Signs of True Love in a Relationship

The 12 signs of true love in a perfect romance
True love may be hard to define, but the signs to read true love can be clearly seen in every perfect loving relationship.
If you’re in a relationship and want to know if you’re experiencing the purest form of love, use these 12 signs of true love to find out for yourself.
1. Give and take in love
You give to the relationship wholeheartedly, without any desire or expectations of getting something back in return from your partner to justify your actions.

2. Pure happiness
Just watching this special person smile or laugh out loud fills you with intense happiness, even if you’re suffering or having a hard day.

3. Pain and anger
You get terribly hurt when your lover upsets
you, but their actions never anger you. You may get annoyed or frustrated now and then momentarily, but you just can’t stay mad at them for long because staying mad or giving them the silent treatment hurts you more.

4. Sacrifices
You make sacrifices for their happiness or wellbeing, even if they may never realize it.

5. The right effort
You go to great lengths and make an effort to improve the relationship, and play a conscious part in trying to please your partner and make them feel loved and special.

6. You can’t ever hurt them
When you’re truly in love with someone, you can’t even imagine hurting them, emotionally or physically. Payback is a strong human instinct, but true love makes you completely selfless.

7. You keep your promises
When you make a promise to them, you stick to your word even if this person will never find out if you broke their promise. When you experience true love, your moral conscience becomes very strong when it comes to this one special person.

8. Sense of 'We'
In a perfect relationship, it’s good to have your own space to grow as individuals. But at the same time, if you truly love your partner, you’d see them as a part of your life. When you think of your future, you can’t help but see them by your side

9.You share their burden
And you do that even if you don’t really have to. You can’t bear to see this special someone suffering. If they’re dealing with some issue, you’re always willing to offer them a helping hand even when you have your own difficulties to look into.

10. Pride and jealousy
You beam with pride when they achieve something, even if it’s the same thing you failed at. You may get jealous of a friend who outdid you, but when you love someone, jealousy never enters the picture.

11. Suffering
You’d be willing to suffer, just to see them happy.

12. Their perspective
Everything you do, you keep your lover in mind and think from their perspective, be it about planning a surprise party or hanging out with your own friends after work. You don’t ever want to hurt your lover, so you always think from their point of view before making any decision that involves them in any way.

So guys let me know are you experiencing the true love in your relationship or it's just a burden that you're dragging !

Sunday, July 22, 2018

کہو تو دل نکال کے آپ کی ہتھیلی پے رکھ دوں ؟

کاش میرے پاس وہ الفاظ ہوتے جو میری کیفیت کا احاطہ کر سکیں ۔۔ کاش میں آپ کو بتا سکتا کہ آپ کیا ہو  میرےلیے
! کاش میرے الفاظ میرے احساسات بیان کر پاتے
! کاش میرے دل کی آواز آپ تک پہنچ پاتے
کاش آپ وہ محسوس کریں جو میرا دل آپ سے کہنا چاہتا  ہے۔
! کاش میرے جزبوں کو زباں مل جائے
سنا ہے اکثر محبتیں اظہار کے بعد پھیکی پڑجاتی ہیں ۔پر نہ جانے یہ کیسی محبت ہے جو پھیکی نہیں پڑ رہی ۔نہ جانے یہ کیسا احساس ہے جو کم ہی نہیں ہورہا ۔نہ جانے یہ کونسا پھول ہے جو مرجھا ہی نہیں رہا ۔  نہ جانے یہ کیسی خوشبو ہے جو
ختم ہونے کا نام نہیں لی رہی ۔ نہ جانے یہ کونسی روشنی ہے جو مدہم ہی نہیں ہورہی

! کیا نام دوں میں اسے
! یہ آپ کی نظر کا کرشمہ ہے یہ مرا جنوں
! یہ ہمارے رشتے کے پاکیزگی ہے یا ہمارے خلوص کی انتہا
! کیا ہے یہ آخر کیا
جو نہ مجھے آپ سے دور جانے دیتا ہے نہ کسی اور کا سوچنے دیتا ہے ۔ یہ کیسی کیفیت ہے ، یہ کون سا احساس ہے جو مجھے ہر پل آپ کی طرف کھینچتا ہے ۔
ہر گزرتا لمحہ ، ہر گزرتا پل میرے اس احساس کو توانا کر جاتا ہے ۔
! پاگل
میرا دل ہی جانتا ہے کہ وہ کیا محسوس کرتا ہے جب آپ میرے ساتھ ہوتے ہو ، جب آپ میری طرف دیکھتے ہو ، جب  آپ کی نظر سے نظر ملتی ہے ، جب آپ مسکراتے ہو
بہت خوشیاں دیکھی ہیں میں نے۔ پر یہ احساس ، یہ کیفیت ، یہ مسرت ان ہزاروں خوشیوں پر بھاری ہے ۔
! بس کیا بتائیں آپ کو
جب یہ سب کچھ آپ کے لیے لکھ رہا ہوں تو میرے دل کی دھڑکن بتا رہی ہے کہ بہت کچھ پنہاں ہے اس دل ناداں میں آپ کے لیے ۔
بس الفاظ کم ہیں اور احساسات بہت زیادہ  ۔
!!!کہو تو دل نکال کے آپ کی ہتھیلی پے رکھ دوں

کیا محبت کرتے ہو مجھ سے ؟

"کیا محبت کرتےہو مججھ سے"

آپ پوچھتے ہو ، کیا محبت کرتے ہو مجھ سے ؟ آپ سوچتے
ہو کہ آخر مجھ سے ہی محبت کیوں ! آپ کو ڈر لگتا ہے اپنا ہاتھ دینے سے ، ہمارے ساتھ چلنے سے ۔کہ شاید ہم بھی ایک دن زمانے کی ریت کے مطابق آپ کو چھوڑ جائیں گے ۔
آپ کو ڈر لگتا ہے کہیں میری محبت عارضی تو نہیں ۔ آپ کے دل میں ہول اٹھتے ہیں کہ شاید میں آپ کو سمجھ نہیں پاوں گا ۔
آپ وہ بیان نہیں کرتے جو آپ محسوس کرتے ہیں کیونکہ آپ کو لگتا ہے شاید اسے آپ کی کمزوری سمجھا جائے گا ۔
آپ کو لگتاہے شاید کوئی اور آکر آپ کی جگہ ہمارے دل میں بسیرا کر لے گا ۔
آپ کا یہ خوف بجا ہے ۔اکثر ایسا ہی ہوتا ہے ۔ محبت کے بلندوبانگ دعوے کرنے والے ، ایک ساتھ عمر بیتانے کی قسمیں اٹھانے والے چھوڑ جاتے ہیں ، کچھ بتائے بغیر اور کچھ احساس کیے بغیر ۔۔۔ایسا ہوتا ہے اور اکثر ہوتا ہے ۔
اور جب بھی ایسا ہوتا ہے ، محبت بدنام ہوتی ہے ، محبت روتی ہے ، چیختی ہے ، پکارتی ہے ، ہاتھ پیر مارتی ہے ۔پر جو چلے جاتے ہیں نا ان کے چھوڑے ہوئے زخم اتنے گہرے ہوتے ہیں کہ محبت پر سے یقین ہی اٹھ جاتا ہے اور محبت کسی کونے میں پڑی سسکیاں اور آہیں بھرتی رہتی ہے ۔

How did they fall in love?

He was a person full of so many flaws .She was a flawless delicate creature.

How did they fall in love ...?

The answer is another question " Does love happen intentionally ? "

If any one has experienced love, he would not be able to answer this question. Love just happens. It needs no reasons. It sees no boundaries. It can happen at any moment. So this just happened with them . They were in love . They were loving each other . Their hearts were melting . They knew nothing . They only knew they were loving each other .  Both of them were sensitive . Both of them were caring . Both of them were possessive . Both couldn't see each other in any problem . Only their hearts knew what they were feeling for each other . Their feelings couldn't be described in words .
You know that feelings are to be felt not to be described !!!
If this was not love , what was this ?
Do suggest me a name for this !
If you try to name their relationship,  if you ever succeed in figuring out what their relation was, you would end up saying:
"Bro ! I think it was something just more than love ."
She had sent him a paragraph comprising of a few line.
A few lines !!!
Yeah, you heard that right, a few lines.
What were those few lines ?
'The summary of a feelings of a princess. She just put the heaven in her few lines. She just uttered few words. The intensity and depth of these lines was clearly felt by him . She was still saying that I don't have words to describe my love for him. She had just opened her heart just a little bit. She was a world full of feelings. She was strong enough to hold that feelings in her heart. That time, she allowed some of her feelings to come out .
They had promised each other not to hide anything from each other. He asked her the name of the person for whom she did write those lines. She didn't tell him at all. She was hiding the name of the person for whom she wrote those lines. Sometimes, some things just become more beautiful when they are hidden . It was some thing worth-hiding. It was the just another way of a princess to pour her love into his heart. Now , even he did not want to know the name of that person.
You know why ?
Because, if she just uttered the name of that person, he might not be able to even bear the intensity attached with it .
He was trying to understand her. He was trying to understand a princess. Don't you think that it takes time to understand a real princess !
She was the real princess for him.
She was his immortal beloved.
She was a something just made for him.
She was a chaos in herself.
She was a little sweet piece of heaven.
She was a true lover.

And I don't know what to write about her. I am just starting to understand her.
What was the difference between them ?
He was putting his feelings in front of her . And she was just smiling n her heart was muttering :
" Hey you crazy Idiot ! I just love you more than that. I just don't want to shower the intensity of my feelings that might just literally melt you "

It was the only difference between them. He was expressing it and her heart was feeling it.
And this was a difference worth-loving.